“Even Eagles Need a Push”

Your push could come in many ways and forms. It could be a firing from your boss, a retrenchment letter, a painful relationship, business challenges, the death of a loved one or friend, a bad fall, a message from a book or a friend, or a sickness that kept you in a hospital bed for a few days or a few weeks!

What can you do about it? Are there great lessons to learn from them?

Had a "push" yesterday, fortunately because of my fitness due to my martial arts training and gardening, and of course, God's blessings, I didn't hurt myself when I slipped and fell like a sack of potatoes! I was certainly shaken up!

I joked with my friend who witnessed my fall and told him that sometimes in life you need a push! Yes "Even Eagles Need a Push." I highly recommend you read this book by David McNally.

A picture says a thousand words, a video says a million words! Enjoy the inspiring video!

I wrote this blog post because everything happens for a reason, I felt that incident was a push for me, a wake up call to get out of my complacency, to work harder, many times we are in our comfort zones or living on justifications, excuses and the stories and lies we tell ourselves, and not going all out to do what we need to do, isn't it?

So I came back and I wrote a blog post to give people a push, an irresistible offer! A free special report "What Millionaires Know That You Don't Know?" to offer to anyone who decides to be part of our team and commit to a business builder package in our wonderful global business!

This special report is easily worth $2,000 or more because it is based on my $100,000 investment to learn from many successful entrepreneurs such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen. In it there will be many great lessons on business and life that will help you live a better and happy life!

I'll probably sell the report in the future for US$1,970 because I believe the value is greater than that. It could be worth a million dollars to you if you apply a few of the powerful lessons in this special report!

Here's a great lesson on marketing, it is never the price, it is always the value! Good marketers are able to sell the great value they are offering, they are masters at giving the irresistible offer!

You see you don't have forever, anything can happen tomorrow, in the next few days, weeks or months. The cold hard truth is death is certain and the time of death is very uncertain, people are always looking for guarantees in life.

The only guarantee is God's promise to you. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33

Here's the New Living Translation:
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."

This is a viral marketing report. When you're part of our team, you'll be given the rights to share this report and replace the replicated website links found in this report with yours. This way you can duplicate and multiply your time and effort thousands of times.

Timing is everything. Take action now and speak to the person who shared this report with you or watch the webinars or click on the website link below and just do it!


I've been in this wonderful business for over 22 years and have honed it down to 3 simple steps!

Here are the 3 simple, proven and effective steps that will help you to work smart and have more money, more time and better health!

Step 1

Share this powerful viral marketing report with as many people as possible. The Law of Averages will ensure your success!

You will leverage on a brilliant, proven and effective system and a powerful replicated website just like this one:


Step 2

Leverage on our effective support system of training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions to learn how to do this business effectively offline and online.

Step 3

Be consistent, keep on sharing this Instantly Ageless link with people who want to feel and look 10 years younger.

Yes always work with the Law of Averages to ensure your success. You must do enough to get the results you want, be consistent!


To be a successful marketer, you must understand what the market wants and always give the market what it wants.

There are over a billion baby boomers worldwide, those born between 1946 and 1964, and they want to feel and look younger!

To be successful, learn from those who are successful. I've invested over $6,000 to learn from Robert Kiyosaki, my mentor and coach!

"The market is always right." - Robert Kiyosaki

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here's my million-dollar success formula, it helped me to make my first million, and I'm very sure it will help you too. "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do??"

Yes fortune favors those who are wise, bold and fast! Get the first-mover advantage, take action, click on the link below and join now!


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