“The Word Is Out! Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach Offers His Network Marketing Consultancy And Training Services!”

I'm offering my network marketing consultancy and training services to mlm companies and enterprising professionals who want to be successful in network marketing.

After 26 years in network marketing, the cold hard truth is there are only a few good companies that meet my standards, many are still below the standards and must get their act together if they want to move ahead.

Too many network marketing companies are weak on the compensation plan and support system, that is two wheels out of four wheels not right!

Too many network marketing companies are losing millions of dollars by doing the wrong things. Millions of people worldwide are disillusioned because they joined the wrong companies and were deceived by the false promises made by rogue network marketing leaders.

Here are the 7 deadly sins of network marketing that network marketing companies and network marketers must avoid!

1. Weak management team that lacks integrity and doing the wrong things, and not listening to the positive feedback of good leaders who know the business like the palm of their hand!!

2. Weak compensation plan that will not attract smart leaders and do not take care of the 97% part-timers and loyal customers.

3. Weak range of products that are not proprietary, not unique and do not have the Wow! Factor.

4. Weak support system offline and online. There are companies that are still asking members to fill up forms and do not have a replicated website!

5. Weak compliance department that do not address the misrepresentations, front loading, product dumping, and poaching of independent distributors by rogue leaders.

6. Diluting their products by changing the formula or replacing ingredients to cut costs which will reduce the quality and efficacy of the products.

7. Weak marketing strategies and not staying competitive by keeping up with competitors and are not applying creative marketing strategies to get ahead and not keeping up with technology and the latest developments in the market.

You can reach me at +65 8168 2088, message me first, I do not answer calls from telephone numbers that I do not know.

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here's my million-dollar success formula that helped me to make my first million in network marketing, "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is now how to? It is always why do??"

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