“The Abundance Principle Requires Faith And You Must Give First Before You Receive Abundantly!”

Now with social media, you get great stories all the time! My friend Ivan, whatsapp me this excellent story on abundance and I have added it into this viral marketing report to help you have more money, more time and better health!

Yes it does require faith and consistent effort on your part to share this report with as many people as possible! Keep on giving and you will receive abundantly, much more than you give!

*The Abundance Principle*

Once a man got lost in a desert. The water in his flask had run out two days ago, and he was on his last legs. He knew that if he didn't get some water soon, he would surely die. The man saw a small hut ahead of him. He thought it would be a mirage or maybe a hallucination, but having no other option, he moved toward it. As he got closer, he realized it was quite real. So he dragged his tired body to the door with the last of his strength.

The hut was not occupied and seemed like it had been abandoned for quite some time. The man entered into it, hoping against hope that he might find water inside.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw what was in the hut - a water hand pump...... It had a pipe going down through the floor, perhaps tapping a source of water deep under-ground.

He began working the hand pump, but no water came out. He kept at it and still nothing happened. Finally he gave up from exhaustion and frustration. He threw up his hands in despair. It looked as if he was going to die after all.

Then the man noticed a bottle in one corner of the hut. It was filled with water and corked up to prevent evaporation.

He uncorked the bottle and was about to gulp down the sweet life-giving water, when he noticed a piece of paper attached to it. Handwriting on the paper read : "Use this water to start the pump. Don't forget to fill the bottle when you're done."

He had a dilemma. He could follow the instruction and pour the water into the pump, or he could ignore it and just drink the water.

What to do? If he let the water go into the pump, what assurance did he have that it would work? What if the pump malfunctioned? What if the pipe had a leak? What if the underground reservoir had long dried up?

But then... maybe the instruction was correct. Should he risk it? If it turned out to be false, he would be throwing away the last water he would ever see.

Hands trembling, he poured the water into the pump. Then he closed his eyes, said a prayer, and started working the pump.

He heard a gurgling sound, and then water came gushing out, more than he could possibly use. He luxuriated in the cool and refreshing stream. He was going to live!

After drinking his fill and feeling much better, he looked around the hut. He found a pencil and a map of the region. The map showed that he was still far away from civilization, but at least now he knew where he was and which direction to go.

He filled his flask for the journey ahead. He also filled the bottle and put the cork back in. Before leaving the hut, he added his own writing below the instruction: "Believe me, it works!"

This story is all about life. It teaches us that We must GIVE before We can RECEIVE Abundantly.

More importantly, it also teaches that FAITH plays an important role in GIVING.

The man did not know if his action would be rewarded, but he proceeded regardless.

Without knowing what to expect, he made a Leap of Faith.

Water in this story represents the *Good things in Life*

Give life some *"Water"* to *Work with*, and it will *RETURN far more than you put in.........!!!*

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A picture says a thousand words, a video says so much more! Just watch the two videos in this report and just do it!

All successful marketers always give an irresistible offer! It's an offer that is packed with so much value and benefits it will make you feel silly, foolish and stupid not to grab it!

People are smart and think the same, and they don't like to feel silly, foolish and stupid. They love an irresistible offer!

When you are part of my team, you'll be given the rights to leverage on this report and replace the replicated website links found in this report with yours. This way you can duplicate and multiply your time and effort thousands of times!

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For clarity on how the business works and how you will be compensated for your efforts, watch the two short videos in this report and just do it!

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I've invested over $100,000 to learn million-dollar lessons from many successful entrepreneurs such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen. When you are part of my team, you can learn million-dollar lessons on business and life from me for free!

This is truly a why-not-do business? I will be your mentor and coach and you can leverage on my 23 years of network marketing and 17 years of internet marketing experience.

Let me share a bit of my success story not to impress you but to impress upon you that I know exactly what I'm sharing with you.

I've trained and inspired thousands in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Nigeria, USA, Hong Kong, Philippines and New Zealand!

I've made my first million in network marketing without using a cent of my own, I used my credit card and 23 years ago my investment was $4,400 for a business builder package.

I am the author of three best-selling books on network marketing, "Break Free! - There Is A Better Way To Earn A Living, Why Network Marketing? and How To Be Successful in Network Marketing."




All my books are sold out. I'm looking for a good publisher to republish them and I'll donate 100% of my royalty fees to help feed hungry children and to build wells to provide clean drinking water where it is desperately needed.

It took me 23 years and hundreds of thousands to build my million-dollar brand, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach. Now you can leverage on this million-dollar brand to build your business with my mentoring and coaching.

If you want to be successful in this business, keep on sharing this irresistible offer!

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Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here's my million-dollar success formula, it helped me to make my first million in network marketing, I am very sure it will help you too. "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do??"

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