Tag Archives: Luminesce Serum

“How To Invest Only $2.81 A Day To Earn $194.95 A Day!”

If you live in Singapore, consider yourself very fortunate because you can attend my one-day network marketing success forum for free! You get to learn from me how to earn your first million in network marketing! You take baby steps and learn how to invest $2.81 a day to earn $194.95 a day! Find that…
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“Why Man Behaves Like An Imbecile!”

"Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile. I can do no other than be reverent before everything that is called life. I can do no other than to have compassion for all that is called life. That is the beginning and the foundation of all ethics." - Albert Schweitzer Dr Albert Schweitzer…
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“What’s Wrong With Man Today?”

Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Yes millions are bitching, complaining and whining over their jobs and yet they are not willing to think differently or do things differently to get a different result! So what's wrong with people? Dr Albert Schweitzer was…
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