“Lesson 40 – Are You Doing The 8 Money-Making Activities?”

Here are the 8 money-making activities you must do to be successful in any network marketing company! It is based on 20 successful years of network marketing experience.

1. List - you must list down at least 100 names. You want to include your loved ones, relatives and friends or anyone you think who is smart enough to understand this simple business opportunity!

When you know something good, it is your moral obligation to share it with as many people as possible, isn't it? I know there are many lazy internet marketers who will tell you this is the hard way to do the business.

Internet marketing is much harder than network marketing because it lacks heart and there are too many rogue internet marketers giving lots of false promises and telling outright lies!

Master the skill of networking, constantly make new friends at events, gatherings and functions to add to your list which is your goldmine!

There are no strangers, only friends you haven't gotten to know yet. If you are not networking, you are not working.

2. Call - you must pick up the phone which is worth its weight in gold! You must make that 2-minute invitation call to take a look at a great business opportunity. The purpose is to invite to a business presentation and not to explain the business.

You will learn how to do your invitation at the training that is given to you. Attend training as many times as possible to learn how to do your invitation effectively.

Ask powerful questions such as "Would you like to know how to turn your shopping money into a Plan B?" or "Would you like to know how you can shop for free?" or "Are you open to building another stream of income if it does not interfere with what you are doing now?" Find out the questions that work for you and keep on repeating it!

3. Present - at the beginning, your upline (the person who introduced the business to you) or your leader will help you present the business with the 5-minute compensation plan.

Keep it short, sweet and simple. You just listen attentively, nod your head at the appropriate time in agreement, and learn and earn at the same time!

4. Sponsor - you keep on sponsoring new members to reach the magic figure which is 52. Based on my 20 successful years in network marketing and sharing notes with other top network marketers.

52 is the magic figure like the 52 cards found in a deck of cards where you will find 4 Aces (Leaders). These 4 leaders will help you make your first million in network marketing. This business is about leadership and it is driven by leaders.

5. Follow up - you sit down with your new member to find out how serious he or she is about the business. Give a 45-minute or 2-hour basic training on the products and the business and ask them, "Do you see yourself as a smart consumer or a business builder?" And support them accordingly.

If they are smart consumers, follow up by informing them of the special promotions, new product launches or events that will benefit them.

If you are not in my team, here is how you can leverage on my 23 successful years in network marketing, whatever company you are in right now, you can go to my blog and learn. I've over 1,260 blog posts!

If you are looking for a great company, you can find it at my blog!


6. Follow through - if they are business builders, you must get them to attend the 2-day leadership training that will provided if you are with a good company to have clarity on how to do the business effectively and why they want to do the business.

If your company is not providing a 2-day leadership training, ask the management or leaders to get in touch with me to conduct a 2-day generic network marketing seminar for your organization!

I highly recommend my 2-day generic network marketing seminar which I will be conducting in these cities: Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Bangkok, Yangon, Jakarta, Chennai, Mumbai, Beijing, Shanghai, New York, Las Vegas, Honolulu and San Francisco.

For more information, click here.

7. Attend training and conventions as many times as possible. You may have heard it many times, "Leaders are born at conventions." You get inspired and start to have the belief that if these people, who went up on stage, can do it, you can do it too! Conventions give clarity to the business and inspire you to be all you can be!

8. Leadership - the best form of leadership is to lead by example - walk the talk. You must be seen doing the business if you want your downlines to do the business too, they will be watching you! You must be your own best customer and consistently consume the products and enjoy the benefits so that you will have your own good testimonials to share.

This is a people business and you must understand how people think and behave, if they see the leaders active, they are inspired to be active too. Some leaders may slow down because they have achieved success and they found more passion in training and sharing their knowledge and experience.

Do not make your uplines or downlines an issue unless there is something inherently wrong with the leadership or management such as lack of integrity, then you may consider looking for another company.

Take responsibility for your results, do not make your upline or downline an issue, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cause of it all?" If your immediate upline is not giving you the support you think you need, move further up, there are many uplines who are ready to help you.

It is tough to work in a company with management that lacks integrity and with leaders that lack integrity too! Buckminster Fuller said it very well, "Integrity is the essence of everything." This will be a valid reason for you to leave the company, why stay in a company that you cannot believe in, isn''t it?

It is very important to choose the right company with the right leaders, with right products and right compensation plan!

Being a leader, you must have integrity and do the right things so that you will command respect and people will follow you.

Focus on your business, you are doing this business for yourself, not for your uplines, not for your downlines and not for your company. The power lies in your compelling purpose for doing the business, and for most people, it is to achieve financial freedom and to enjoy a better lifestyle!

Most network marketers make this common mistake of making the upline an issue or the downline an issue and some will make the company an issue!

This is my signature statement that I share at my training:
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cause of it all?"

Take responsibility for your results, lead, follow or get out of the way! Do not cause disharmony in the team by passing negative remarks about your uplines, downlines or company. Remember this saying, "Loose lips sink ships!" This is one of the common mistakes in network marketing.

Be a leader of character, speak the truth and do not misrepresent or create disharmony in your organization.

I highly recommend you share the Rotary 4-way test with your team.

The test, which has been translated into more than 100 languages, asks the following questions:

Of the things we think, say or do

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Different companies and different leaders have their own system with variations but they all include these 8 money-making activities, whatever system you have now, if you are not doing these 8 money-making activities, you will not make your first million in network marketing - this I can guarantee you.

I have 20 successful years in network marketing and I know exactly what you need to do to be successful and I have shared them with you right here. There are no secrets. It is all up to you. I have taken away the common excuses, "I don't know" and "Nobody shows me how to do it".

A picture says a thousand words, a video says so much more. Watch the video below where I share with you the 8 money-making activities:

Are you using the ultimate business tool in network marketing? Watch the video below:

When you look into the mirror every morning when you wake up and every night before you sleep, sincerely ask this question, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cause of it all?" Take responsibility for the results in your business and your life,
do not blame anyone.

Leverage on the following training videos:

Introduction to network marketing 8 money-making activities, click here.

Network marketing 8 money-making activities, click here.

Discover the secrets of top network marketers, click here.

What to do and what not to do in network marketing, click here.

Why leadership is very important in network marketing, click here.

Why network marketing is driven by leaders, click here.

Keeping records and journaling, click here.

Get your free enewsletter on How To Make Money Online at my blog, go to


Looking for a great company? Be part of my dynamic global team, go to:


Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

With Wisdom and Love,

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach
+65 8168 20888

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