“How To Play The Rich Man’s Game!”

I've created "The Rich Man's Game" that is based on the cashflow quadrant concept which was developed by Robert Kiyosaki.

The Rich Man's Game is a 4-hour seminar, The first 2-hour segment will be interactive and you will go through a series of thought-provoking questions and you will record your feelings and thoughts on paper.

In the second 2-hour segment you will learn principles, values, beliefs and universal laws that will help you achieve happiness, health and wealth.

Everyone will invest $365 which represents $1 a day investment in your personal development, business and health education. That's all the investment you need to start on your journey to happiness, health and wealth!

"The seed is small but the tree is big." - Geshe Michael Roach

"The Rich Man's Game" will help you to be happy, healthy and wealthy. It is based on my $100,000 investment to learn million-dollar lessons on business and life from many successful entrepreneurs such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen.

Simple requirement for participating in "The Rich Man's Game", you must be sincere, serious and committed to achieving your dream and you must follow the universal laws and principles of achieving happiness, health and wealth. The universal laws and principles will be taught at the 4-hour seminar.

Limited to 10 people at one time, this intensive, enriching and fun seminar will be held on 5 August 2017, Saturday, from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm.

Give me a call at 8168 2088 if you are interested and I will give you the details on how you can get started.

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here's my million-dollar success formula, it helped me to make my first million in network marketing, and I'm very sure it will help you too, "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do??"

P.P.S. Want to leverage on the ultimate marketing tool? Get your Vcard today at the link below:


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