“All Network Marketing Companies Must Address These Very Important Issues: Product Dumping, Poaching and Switching Lines!”

How to choose a good network marketing company? You look at these four important factors:

The integrity of the management.
The integrity of the compensation plan.
The integrity of the range of products.
The integrity of the support system.

These four factors are like the four wheels of a car, any one of them is weak is like having trouble with one of your wheels and you definitely don't want to drive the car!

After you've looked at all these factors, you have to look at how the company is addressing these very important issues: product dumping, poaching and switching lines!

For switching lines, there should be investigation on why there are so many downlines who are switching lines and investigate it case by case.

For poaching and product dumping, there must be termination once the case has been investigated and there is proof that the parties are guilty of it.

Millions of dreams have been crushed because of lack of integrity and the destructive effects of product dumping, poaching and switching lines.

In the case of the binary compensation plan, many downlines will find a good excuse to switch lines because they want to be part of a huge leg so that they can just work on one leg which is the other leg. Legs refers to the organizations on the left and right. The common term used is left leg and right leg.

Product dumping starts from rogue leaders who manipulate the system and bought huge amounts of products to qualify for their ranks and after they have achieved their ranks and enjoyed their extra bonuses, they dumped the products in the market at half price to get back their money! I call them rogue leaders, they are very silly, foolish and stupid to do that because not only they are hurting other people's business, they are hurting their business too!

It's very sad to see the great damage done to this industry by rogue leaders and millions of people worldwide are disillusioned by the business because their friends and downlines complained to them that products are available in the market at way below the wholesale price!

Why people are able to sell these products at way below wholesale prices and make a profit? It is because the rogue leaders are dumping the products at half the price of the wholesale price!

Compensation plan can be improved and checks can be made to make it difficult for leaders to buy huge amounts of products to qualify, management should look into the compensation plan and place some checks so that product dumping is not easily done by rogue leaders. At the same time the compliance department has to be very strong and parties found guilty of product dumping or poaching will have their business immediately terminated!

I hope this posting will help network marketers who are facing these challenges of product dumping, poaching and switching lines.

Leaders should advise their downlines to settle their differences with their uplines and not encourage them to switch lines. I know many rogue leaders in the binary compensation plan are not doing the right things and even encourage their downlines to switch lines because they want them to be in the huge leg or bank leg or they want to enjoy the matching bonuses!

Some network marketers who are new to binary compensation plan may make this mistake, but learn from your mistake and do not make that mistake again!

Switching lines create disharmony in the group. It creates a negative chain effect, many innocent uplines lost income because of the switch, I know many people are switching lines primarily because they want to be in a huge leg and just work on one leg, a thousand wrongs don't make it right.

You don't know what you don't know. Now you know how product dumping, poaching and switching lines can hurt this industry and hurt your business.

There are two sides in everything and it applies to business too. There are good leaders and rogue leaders, which group do you belong to? Yes sometimes the lines may be gray, but on reflection only you know and God knows!

That is why there is this popular saying, "To err is human, to forgive, divine!". We all make mistakes, learn from your mistakes, and learn to forgive and move on.

"Integrity is the essence of everything." - Buckminster Fuller

God has made it very clear the importance of integrity, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets."- Matthew 7:12

Network marketing like any other business has its pros and cons. It's not for everyone. Different strokes for different folks.

If you are negative, shy and you do not like talking to people, and you do not believe in the products, and you don't believe in the marketing plan or company or the industry, then you shouldn't be doing network marketing.

The best part about network marketing if they love the products and just want to enjoy the benefit of the products, and it gives ordinary people a great opportunity to earn extraordinary passive income!

If you are positive, outgoing and love to talk to people and like helping people, then network marketing is definitely for you!

If you love the idea of working smart and leveraging your time and effort on thousands of people and thousands of hours in a day, you'll love network marketing!

If you love the idea of leveraging on a brilliant, proven and effective system to have more money, more time and better health and help others to do the same, you'll love network marketing!

"A network marketing business is the perfect business for people who like helping other people."- Robert Kiyosaki

I highly recommend you read these network marketing books by Robert Kiyosaki, "The Business School For People Who Like Helping People" and "The Business of The 21st Century."

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here's my success formula that helped me to make my first million in network marketing, "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do""

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