Tag Archives: Live Your Dream

“How To Turn $2,000 Or Less Into A MILLION!”

Yes thousands have done it and I should know because I've been in this business for 23 years! I believe no other investments can beat the investment in a network marketing opportunity in terms of the start up capital and its high returns in a short span of 1 to 3 years! "The seed is…
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Yes you can be a MLM Millionaire if you believe you can! "Whether you think you can or you can't - you're right." - Henry Ford Yes I'll be your mentor and coach. I made my first million in MLM without using a cent of my own, I used my credit card, the bank's money…
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“Can I Talk To You Like A Brother?”

In 1997 I attended a 9-day convention in Hawaii and I learned to ask this question, "Can I talk to you like a brother?" from a top network marketer. I was the top performer in my company and with my team, we were privileged to have a special meeting to learn from him what it…
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