Tag Archives: Home-Based Business

“The Strangest SECRET!”

I was inspired by Earl Nightingale's The Strangest Secret, which is about the power to choose. Yes we live and die with the choices we make every day. We can choose to be positive or choose to be negative. We can choose to be kind or choose to be cruel. We can choose to work…
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“Discover How To Get A Money-Making Machine For $1 Only!”

When you are in a job, you are a money-making machine for your boss! In most instances you get paid 25% of what you produced in profits! If you generate $10,000 profit in a month, the boss will pay you $2,500 and keep $7,500 for himself. Would you like to own a money-making machine for…
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“The Blue Pill Or The Red Pill?”

Life is about saying Yes to the right choices! You will be like the hero in the movie, "Matrix", he was given two choices, the Blue Pill or the Red Pill. He can choose the Blue Pill and continue stay ignorant and live in his old world or choose the Red Pill to discover what…
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“SIMPLICITY is The Ultimate Sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Yes "SIMPLICITY" is the ultimate sophistication! Leonardo da Vinci was a genius and he knew that less is more! I love to use acronyms to get my message across and "SIMPLICITY" is a great acronym for Simple, Integrity, Mindset, People, Leverage, Innovation, Communication, Integration, Timing, and Yes. I will touch briefly on this acronym and…
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Questions are the answers! Here is the success formula found in the Bible, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.' -…
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