Category Archives: Work Smart

“I Expect To Reach My Goals Because My Intention Is Right!”

When your intention is right, all the good universal forces will gather to help you achieve your goals. I want to help as many people as possible to prosper so that they can join me in helping to feed millions of hungry children and to build thousands of well to provide clean drinking water where…
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Never Give Up On Your Dream!

"YOUR DREAM!" is a great acronym for You, Opportunity, Universal laws, Results, Desire, Reach, Education, Attitude, Multiply and ! - Represents the Irresistible Offer! I share more on this acronym at my Create Wealth System Seminar and Think Out Of The Box Program. After doing network marketing for 25 years, I've refined the business into…
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“I, Me, Myself!”

If you understand marketing, it is about understanding what the market wants and giving an irresistible offer! People operate from their selfish interest, they are constantly thinking, "What's in it for me?" and to be a successful marketer, you must always give an irresistible offer so that most people will say "Yes" to your offer.…
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