Category Archives: Wellness

“Lesson 14. Your Success is GUARANTEED!”

When was the last time someone told you your success is guaranteed? Yes you are in charge, you can guarantee your success when you apply the principles, values and beliefs shared with you in this report. "GUARANTEED!" is a great acronym for Greatness, Universal laws, Attitude, Reach, Action, Numbers, Think, Education, Empower, Desire and !…
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“Lesson 12. Did You SEE THIS?

This lesson is about business and life, whether you are in network marketing, internet marketing or any other business, it will definitely benefit you when you apply what you've learned here. "SEE THIS?" is a great acronym for Service, Energy, Education, Think, Help, Integrity, System and ? - Represents asking the right questions. Service -…
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“Lesson 10: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know.”

You would agree that you don't know what you don't know, wouldn't you? "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." - Socrates What you don't know can hurt you physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. There are 8 groups of people, which group do you belong to? 1. Those who know. 2.…
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“Lesson 9: The Ideal Time Line!”

The ideal time line will look like this: 0 to 20 : You learn as much as you can. 20 to 40 : You earn as much as you can. 40 to 60 : You live as much as you can. 60 to 80 : You give as much as you can. 80 to 100…
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