Category Archives: Health

“If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?”

I learned this question, "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?" from a top internet marketer in Hawaii in 1997. It was at a private session for top leaders in my company. He told us he will ask this thought-provoking question to friends who are broke but couldn't stop talking and are not willing…
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“10 Great Reasons To Build This Global Business!”

Here are 10 great reasons to build this global business: 1. You are looking for a Plan B. There is no security in a job, do you have a Plan B, safety net or a second parachute? 2. You want more money, more time and better health! 3. You love this idea of leveraging on…
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“Discover A Brilliant System That Will Never Fail You!”

I'm sure you've heard this saying many times, "Nobody plans to fail, they fail to plan." Not only they fail to plan, they fail to take action and commit consistent effort long enough to achieve the results they want. To get to know more about this brilliant system and the global opportunity, watch the award-winning…
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“The “SECRETS” Of Life Revealed!”

"SECRETS" is a great acronym for Sincerity, Education, Co-operation, Results, Empower, Think and System. I'll touch briefly on this acronym and will share more with you at our free training sesssions. Sincerity - Confucius said, "Sincerity is the highest mark of a man." People are attracted to you when they know you are sincere and…
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