Category Archives: God

“The Simplest Way To Earn A Lifetime Passive Income!”

I think the simplest way to earn a lifetime passive income is to share a viral marketing report or invite your prospect to attend a seminar or webinar. Here's how it works. This business is about sharing and not convincing, it's finding people who are able to appreciate a wonderful global business opportunity that can…
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“Are You Applying The Success Formulas God Has Given You?”

Are you applying the success formulas God has given you? Watch this inspiring video. A picture says a thousands words, a video says so much more! There are many success formulas found in the Bible, here are a few that has been shared many times by many Christians and Preachers! King James Bible "But seek…
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“What Are The Wrong Things Many Network Marketer Are Doing?”

Speaking to people who are not interested in what you have to offer! Would you speak to a wall? You know the wall cannot listen and cannot answer, then why do it? Pestering people about their great global opportunity, they should be pestering you to share it with them! Master the skill of qualifying, use…
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“Where Are You Now?”

This is a very common question when you are asking for directions and your friend would ask you, "Where are you now?" Because your friend must know where you are for him to give you the directions you need. If life it is the same, you must have clarity on where you are now before…
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