Category Archives: Direct Selling

“Lesson No. 19 – Follow These Simple Instructions.”

Take the first baby step, register as an Associate Member for as little as US$29.95 for a year! Jeunesse is in over 130 countries! In USA it is US$49.95 because it includes hard-copy business materials, in other countries the starter kit is totally digital which includes a replicated website for one year! If you were…
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“Lesson 17 – You Are Invited!”

You are reading this most probably it is because you are curious to know what is it all about? You'll be asking "I am invited to what?" What is he talking about? Curiosity helps the movie industry to make billions! Word-of-mouth marketing or viral marketing is the most effective form of marketing! When a person…
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“Lesson 16. How To Turn Your Obstacles Into Stepping STONES!”

In business and life you'll always have obstacles or challenges, they separate the men from the boys. Obstacles or challenges are there to teach you lessons that will help you grow stronger and wiser! "STONES!" is a great acronym for Service, Think, Observe, Numbers, Empower, System and ! - Represents the Irresistible Offer! I'll touch…
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“Lesson 15. Why Not Do A Why-Not-Do Business?”

If it makes perfect sense to you, why not do it? I call this business a why-not-do business because there is absolutely no risk, I speak from 23 years of network marketing experience and 17 years of internet marketing experience. Thousands have invested $100,000 to $1,000,000 or more to start a conventional business or a…
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