Category Archives: Anti-Aging

You Don’t Have Forever And It Is Now or Never!

Many times we regretted that we have let opportunities slipped out of our hands. Time flies and we know we don't have forever and there comes a time when you tell yourself, it is now or never! "NOW OR NEVER!" is a great acronym for Niche, Opportunity, Why, Observe, Results, Numbers, Education, Visualize, Empower, Reach…
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“The Best Way To Live Is To Give!”

"The best way to live is to give!" - Bruce Seah Why? Because when you give you feel good and when you feel good it is very good for your health, it will help your organs function better and that will help you feel and look younger! You'll also be working with the universal law…
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"WEALTH CODE!" is a great acronym for Why, Education, Attitude, Love, Think, Health, Commitment, Opportunity, Desire, Empower and ! - Represents the Irresistible Offer! I'll touch briefly on this acronym and will share more with you at our one-day network marketing success forum. Why - You must be crystal clear on your purpose. Why do…
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