You can be a free affiliate and there are millions of free affiliates for various programs in the world!
A free affiliate is someone who recommends a product or service and earn an affiliate commission or referral fee. Yes, it is absolutely free! You don't have to come out a cent!
Time is flexible, you do when you have the time and it can be as simple as doing a simple 25-minute presentation over a cup of coffee, sharing a viral report, a viral video or sending people to a sales page or website.
Of course, you will be more effective when you lead by example and invest in the program to experience its great value and this will help you to give you the belief and conviction to promote this program to as many people as possible!
So how does it work? In this report I will keep it as simple as possible and if it makes perfect sense to you, take action now and just do it! If after reading this report you still don't understand it, it is ok, you can message the person who shared this viral report with you to answer your questions.
First thing you must understand is we are dealing with a person's mindset, different strokes for different folks, not everyone wants to do what you are doing. Not everyone wants to be a doctor, dentist, lawyer or accountant, isn't it? Share this viral report with as many people as possible and you'll be working with the law of averages to guarantee your success, some will, some won't, next!
Your job is to share your irresistible offer to people who are able to appreciate it and want to grab it now! An irresistible offer is an offer that is packed with so much value, benefits and advantages you want to grab it now! Having said that, you will never get 100% to respond to your irresistible offer! If you can get 10% to 30% to respond to your offer you will be very rich. Your chances of getting a response rate of more than 10% is much better when you give an irresistible offer!
MacDonalds spend millions on advertising every month and guess out of 100 people who passed by a MacDonald, how many remember the advertisements and will walk into MacDonald's to buy? If they can get 18 or more people out of the 100 people who passed by the restaurant, they'll be doing great! Similarly if you can get a response rate from 10% to 30% you will be doing great!
Let's start with you! Here's the irresistible offer! You can start as a free affiliate and promote the U.L.T.I.M.A.T.E. Create Wealth System Seminar Program and earn a US$100 referral fee.
Why the program is easy to promote? It is a very small one-time investment of US$297 or 81 cents a day when you divide it by 365 days. It is a full-year program and comes with weekly 2-hour seminars if you live in Singapore or 2-hour webinars if you live in other countries. You have a total of 48 seminars or webinars and when you divide that by 48 seminars/webinars, your investment is only US$6.18 per seminar or webinar.
Payment will be by PayNow if you live in Singapore and if you live in other countries payment will be by PayPal, similarly we will pay you your referral fees by PayNow or PayPal.
In marketing it is never the price, it is always the value.
"Price is what you pay and value is what you get." - Warren Buffet
The U.L.T.I.M.A.T.E. Create Wealth System Seminar Program is a personal development and business education program that teaches you how to earn US$100 or more a day part-time and how you can also earn US$3,000 to US$10,000 or more a month in passive income! And you have one full year to learn how to do it.
Hi this is Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach, the creator of this program. I will be your mentor and coach. This program is based on my 28 years of network marketing and 22 years of digitial marketing experience and my investment of over $100,000 to learn million-dollar lessons on business and life from many successful entrepreneurs.
My business mentors and coaches includes Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen. I stand on the shoulders of these giants to see what most people are not able to see. Yes, when you invest in the program, you'll learn million-dollar lessons on business and life to help you achieve financial freedom!
Financial freedom is very subjective, for many people it's earning US$3,000 to US$10,000 or more a month in passive income. When your monthly expenses is less than your monthly passive income, you are financially free which means you don't have to work and still have more than enough left after your monthly expenses every month.
Here's a good example, your monthly expenses is US$5,000 a month and you earn US$10,000 a month in passive income. After your monthly expenses, you still have US$5,000 a month which is US$60,000 a year that you can use to invest in properties, financial markets or businesses to increase your wealth!
Earning US$3,000 to US$10,000 or more a month will take you 1 to 3 years depending on your level of commitment of money, time and consistent effort. I am giving you very realistic figures and time frame based on my 28 years of network marketing experience.
Commitment is critical. It is what separates the men from the boys, and those who succeed from those who fail.
It is easy to promote the full-year program because it comes with a 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee!
"If after following my step-by-step instruction, you are not able to earn at least 200% of what you've invested in the program, I'll return 100% of your money." - Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach
A picture says a thousand words, a video says so much more, watch the video below. This very short video is less than 6 minutes and watch it to the end for clarity on how it works and why it works.
Speak to the person who shared this viral report on how to get started, message +65 8168 2088
You have two options, the first is to invest US$297 in the program or the second option is to click on the link to join with any starter package and yes, you'll be getting the same if you were to invest US$297 in the program. We are leveraging the powerful e-commerce platform provided by Jeunesse Global to build a global business in 147 countries!
When you are part of our team, you'll be given the rights to share this viral report and replace the contact numbers and replicated website link with yours. This way everyone in your team can do exactly what you do and it will help your business to grow exponentially!
If you were to invest and maintain this powerful replicated website, it will cost you $100,000 or more! You also have a powerful mobile app to help you build your global business in 147 countries! If you were to invest and maintain this powerful mobile app, it will cost you $100,000 or more!
Imagine making a very small one-time investment of US$297 to leverage over US$200,000 business tools to build a global business, isn't this an irresistible offer? And it is totally risk free because you have my 90-day 100% money-back guarantee!
I'm looking forward to having you in our dynamic global team.
Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!
Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach
P.S. If you want to be successful, you must do what the successful people do.