When you ask me what network marketing is all about? My simple answer would be, "It is like a co-operative club where members enjoy the products at wholesale prices and you have the option to work on a brilliant, proven and effective system to achieve financial freedom!"
I've been doing network marketing for over 22 years and I love it!
Doing the business is an option, you can choose to be a smart consumer to enjoy the products at wholesale prices or you can choose to be a business builder and leverage on a brilliant, proven and effective system!
I'm sure you've noticed I've repeated these words "brilliant, proven and effective system" twice!
It is a brilliant idea to give people the opportunity to buy direct from the manufacturer at wholesale price and to give them a global opportunity to achieve financial freedom!
This business model has been proven for over 60 years and has helped millions of people worldwide to live a better life!
You can rest assured that the system is effective because it has been proven for over 60 years on millions of people worldwide!
If you are clueless about network marketing or want to improve the results in your network marketing business, you are at the right place!
You can subscribe to my free report and enewsletter on How To Be Successful in Network Marketing, just key in your first name and email in the subscription box below.
Want to join a great company that is also the fastest growing network marketing company in the world? Click on the link below and I will help you to get started rightaway!
If you are clueless about network marketing, you are at the right place. The earlier name for network marketing is MLM, Multi-Level Marketing, if you want to learn how to be successful in network marketing, you can subscribe to my free report and enewsletter.
The "How To?" is only 5%, the "Why Do??" is 95% because when you are crystal clear and very strong on the "Why Do??", you will learn how to do it! Most people fail because they do not have that burning desire to achieve their dream!
Even if you are in another network marketing, you can still leverage on my 22 years of knowledge and experience. You can also leverage on my 16 years of internet marketing experience and not be fooled by rogue internet marketing gurus who promised people the moon and left them in the mud!
I've invested over $10,000 to learn internet marketing and thousands of hours on the Internet to discover what really works!
Network marketing has evolved. It is now more powerful with the integration of internet marketing, you get the best of both worlds, high touch and high tech!
The key factors to being successful in network marketing is to join the right company at the right time, work with the right leaders and do the right things. "Integrity is the essence of everything." - Buckminster Fuller. Integrity will be the foundation of your business and your life!
Here are the four important factors that make a great company, they are like the four wheels of a car, all must be in good condition, if you want to get from Point A to Point B smoothly and safely!
Great Management - you want management with integrity and preferably with field experience so they really understand the soul and spirit of a network marketer.
Great Compensation Plan - you want an attractive compensation plan that gives you depth and width, I highly recommend a hybrid plan that includes binary (depth) and multilevel (width).
Great Products - you want to leverage on these two major hot trends, wellness and beauty! You want great health supplements and skin care products that are supported by science, endorsed by scientists and doctors and proven in the market!
Great support system offline and online - you must have training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions.
Now network marketing has evolved. It is now integrated with internet marketing, you want a very effective online support that allows you to build a global business at a click of a mouse!