Category Archives: Work Smart

“Are You Sleeping With These ENEMIES Every Night?”

No I'm not writing about dust mites! It would definitely help you to stay healthy if you get rid of the dust mites in your bed. Invest in a dust mite vacuum cleaner, it will help your family to stay healthy and help them to sleep well! I'm writing about the common enemies many people…
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“Understand The Money-Making Formula: L + IO = $”

Woke up at 5.30 am with this inspiration to share this money-making formula. All good things come from God, I'm just the messenger! I'm very sure this inspiration comes from God and you are reading this for a great reason! What you are looking for is looking for you. If you want to have more…
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“PROFITS Are Better Than Wages.” – Jim Rohn

Yes PROFITS are better than wages. I learned that from the late Jim Rohn, my role model of a great international speaker. I met him when he visited Singapore and I made sure I bought his book and got his autograph and took a picture with him! I'm now living my dream being an international…
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Yes I am sharing my passion on this blog and I am leveraging on network marketing to promote this wonderful worldwide movement, "To help all people to live a better and happy life, help make this world a better place, and help make world peace a reality." This is my calling, mission and dream! And…
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“I Am Looking For Business Partners For The European Markets!”

I'm looking for business partners for the European markets! Jeunesse Global is in 122 countries and I'm now expanding my business to the countries in Europe and looking for business partners. Yes this is truly an irresistible offer! If you were to create this global system yourself, the start-up capital will cost you a few…
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