Category Archives: Uncategorized

Flouride is Very Toxic!

Fluoride is very toxic! Many countries have banned using it, yet there are still many countries using it. Here is the billion-dollar question, "Why?"
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A World Without Cancer – The Story of Vitamin B17

You don't know what you don't know. And what you don't know can hurt you physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." - Socrates Care enough to share this video with your loved ones and friends. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is…
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“The Optimist Creed”

Promise Yourself: To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of…
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