
On my 56th birthday, I had an enlightening experience in Myanmar and since then I have many great insights on living a happy, healthy, wealthy and meaningful life!

I have used my businesses to promote this wonderful worldwide movement, "To help all people live a better and happy life, help make this world a better place, and help make world peace a reality."

I invite you to form your own informal group, and meet at your favorite cafe, to share ideas on how to contribute and support this wonderful worldwide movement. Yes together we can make this world a better place!

People are curious by nature and that is why the movie industry is a billion-dollar industry! People are just curious and want to watch a movie when they hear from their friends that it is a blockbuster and many people are recommending it! Ask your friend, "Would you like to read an exciting report titled "10" that will help you live a better and happy life? Most probably the answer is "Yes, email it to me."

"10" is very symbolic, it represents life and it represents yin and yang, yang is "1" and yin is "0". "1" by itself is very weak and lonely and "0" by itself is great potential not realized! Yes when the two is combined the power is limitless!

"1" represents the sperm and "0" represents the egg, by itself it does not mean much but together they mean so much, and only when they meet is life created! Yes the sperm and egg form the first stem cell, the zygote that will multiply to various stem cells, and these stem cells form different organs that keep you alive! These stem cells will multiply to trillions of cells in your body - it is truly a miracle!

Yin represents female and yang represents male. Yes it takes two to tango!

"1" also represents action and "0" represents the law of cause and effect - what you sow you shall reap - what goes around comes around in your business and your life! "1" represents wisdom and "0" represents love. With wisdom and love, you can achieve everything you want in life!

When God asked Solomon what he wanted most, he was wise enough to ask for wisdom! You have heard it many times that God is love and love is God. God is also wisdom, integrity, hope, faith, trust, relationship, caring, sharing and giving. When you apply all these wonderful core values into your business and your life, you will live a happy, healthy, wealthy and meaningful life!

"1" also represents this viral-marketing report I am sharing with you and "0" represents the circulating and multiplying effect as it goes viral!

"Leverage On This Viral-Marketing Report "10" For 1 To 4 Years
And You'll Never Have To Work Again!" - Bruce Seah

"The market is always right." - Robert Kiyosaki

Millions worldwide are looking for a simple, proven and tested system to have more money and more time to live their dreams! Yes you now have an excellent global business opportunity to help millions of people to live a better and happy life, the world is your market!

I will be introducing you the Jeunesse exciting global business opportunity! It is taking the world by storm and has created a wealth revolution that has attracted thousands of doctors, lawyers and professionals who are sick and tired of the rat race, and want their life back!

People are the same, they are reasonable and emotional, if you share something with them that can help them get what is close to their heart and it makes perfect sense to them, they will do it!

Is it possible to earn $100,000 or more a month in passive income in 1 to 4 years?

Yes it is possible, over 50 people in Jeunesse have done it!

Is the system simple, proven and tested?

Yes it is, Jeunesse worldwide sales have been phenomenal, in 2012 worldwide sales was US$126 million, it doubled to US$257 million in 2013 and she is on track to reach US$400 million or more by the end of 2014!

Is it affordable to start and will someone train me how to do it?

Yes you can start for as little as US$29.95 for 12 months with the options to get a Basic Package or a Business Builder Package which is a very small investment of S$1,530 only! Thousands of people have invested $100,000 or more to start their conventional business! Yes the successful leaders will share with you everything you need to know to be successful in this business!

Many professionals who are tired of work politics and are stuck in a stressful job, want more freedom and more time to spend with their loved ones and friends. They love this idea of having a Plan B, and leveraging on a simple, proven and tested system, to have more money and more time to live their dreams!

If you love this idea of working smart by leveraging on thousands of people and thousands of hours in a day, read on and just do it!

This business is driven by leaders, and all you need is a few good leaders to help you grow your global business to tens of thousands of people! In 1 to 4 years you will be able to build a huge organization of tens of thousands of people, and you'll never have to work again!

Hi this is Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach. I have 21 years of successful network marketing experience. The purpose of writing this report is to reveal to you in a nutshell what it takes to be successful. I have made my first million from this wonderful business, and I can show you exactly how to do it!

I have written three best-selling books, "Break Free! - There is A Better Way To Earn A Living.", "Why Network Marketing?", and "How To Be Successful in Network Marketing". All my books are sold out and I am looking for good publishers in Indonesia, India, China, USA and Europe.

Here are a few testimonials of my books from top network marketers, successful entrepreneurs and marketing experts:

"I am most willing to endorse this book for MLMers. This book is written with sincerity and experience. I strongly recommend network marketers especially those who are new to read this book. It will definitely help them. Good work, Bruce. Congratulations!" - Eddy Tan, Top Network Marketer, Entrepreneur and Author.

"Bruce's book is like him, full of inspiring thoughts and insights. Excellent for those who need the basic information on how to start right in this awesome industry!"
- KC See, Marketing Trainer and Author of "Leveraging Time To Create Wealth" and Co-Founder of The Money Mastery Program

"This book is written from the heart by a successful network marketer. Its strength lies in its simplicity. A must read for those budding network marketers who need to know the basic principles and methods on how to be successful in network marketing." - Gerry Robert, Entrepreneur and Author of "Millionaire Mindset: How Ordinary People Create Extraordinary Income."

"I highly recommend this book "Break Free!" to all network marketers who want to know the basics on how to be successful in network marketing!"
- Jerry "DRhino" Clark, Top Network Marketer, Entrepreneur and Millionaire Developer

“The insights you gain from reading Bruce’s book will help you accomplish the success you deserve much faster.” – Robert Butwin, Top Network Marketer, Author of “Street Smart Networking” (In 2009 Robert was inducted into the MLMIA Hall of Fame!)

I am living my dream being an international speaker, business coach and trainer, I have inspired thousands of people in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, Nigeria, New Zealand, USA and now Myanmar!

I have invested over $100,000 to learn from many successful entrepreneurs, business consultants and marketing experts such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen. Yes you can leverage on the great lessons I've learned from these successful people.

I have achieved many awards and been to many international conventions. I am sharing all these not to impress you, but to impress upon you that I've been there and done that, and I can help you to make your first million in this business.

For more information on this business, speak to the person who shared this report with you, call +65 8168 2088 (Singapore) or watch the inspiring video at the replicated website below:

>>> www.myworld.jeunesseglobal.com

This is a viral-marketing report, it is copyrighted, but when you are part of my team, you will have the rights to share this report and replace the website links and contact numbers found in this report to yours. Leverage on this report, it will help you to duplicate and multiply your time and effort thousands of times!

I conduct weekly free training on "How To Make Money While You Sleep!" on Tuesday and Thursday, from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm at Jeunesse office, #06-01, 5-minute walk from Aljunied MRT station, for those living in Singapore. This training session is by appointment only.

I conduct these free training sessions to support my team and help them build their business. These free training sessions will give you clarity on what the business is all about, how it works, and how it can help you live a better and happy life.

What the rich and successful people know that you don't know? They own "money-making machines" and many of these "money-making machines" cost them millions! These "money-making machines" come in the form of businesses, real estate investments and stocks and shares, they do not work for money, they have people and money working for them!

To start a global business, thousands have invested $100,000 to $1,000,000 or more to start their business! Now if you are serious about earning a five-figure or six-figure monthly passive income, your commitment to get started is a very small investment of 2,503.73 for the one-year Jumbo Package or S$1,530 for the Ambassador Business Builder Package. Yes this is a very small investment, I know many ladies who spent more than that for a branded bag or a pair of shoes!

The details of this package will be given to you later by the person who shared this report with you. It is never the price, it is always the value, you now have a great opportunity to earn US$100,000 or more a month in 1 to 4 years. Over 50 people in Jeunesse have done it!

Jeunesse has a heart and takes care of the little guys, for those who are very tight for money, you can have a turnkey global business system with a powerful and effective replicated website for as little as US$29.95, and you can build your global business in 115 countries for 12 months!

Yes you can make money being an Associate Member, you can earn two linear income, the 35% retail profit and the Customer Acquisition Bonus ranging from US$25 to US$250. And you can upgrade to the Basic Package or Business Builder Package when you have made enough money to do it.

Jeunesse is a network marketing company that has integrated internet marketing very well into its system. You will have an ecommerce platform with a turnkey global business system to build a global business in 115 countries. You will have the best of both worlds, high touch and high tech.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo da Vinci

My forte is keeping it simple. Be wise enough to work with the Law of Averages, share this viral-marketing report with as many people as possible for 1 to 4 years and you will definitely find a few good leaders who will help you grow your business a hundred fold!

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tze

Watch the inspiring video at the replicated website, click on the link below:

>>> www.myworld.jeunesseglobal.com

To get started, speak to the person who shared this report with you, have a heart-to-heart talk with him over a cup of coffee at Starbucks, and if it makes perfect sense to you, just do it!

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here is my million-dollar success formula, it helped me made my first million in this wonderful business, "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do??"

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