

With Kim Hui, the No.1 leader in Jeunesse! She has moved from success to significance and with her team of Diamond Directors, she is making a positive difference to millions of lives worldwide, she has a heart of gold!


With Tina Hu, Jeunesse Double Diamond Director, she is my inspiration! She joined the business when she was 60 years young and in 5 years she has accomplished much more than many CEOs and she could have retired but she continues to do what she is doing because she wanted to give everyone the same great global opportunity that she was given!

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With Khanwar Bhutani and his lovely wife, he is Jeunesse Director for Asia Pacific, very experienced and capable leader, he definitely knows what he is doing and helping Jeunesse to expand effectively into Asia!


With Kim Hui, Less Brown and the team! Yes One Team, One Family, One Jeunesse!


With Paul Lim, Jeunesse General Manager for Malaysia and Singapore, a very capable GM who knows his job very well and has helped Jeunesse to grow by leaps and bounds in Malaysia and Singapore!


At Jeunesse Sapphire Elite Dinner at World Resort Sentosa.


With Jeunesse Double Diamond Director Jason Chiang, at his training session at Jeunesse office. Jason Chiang is very inspiring and he kept his training simple and effective, he made it clear that there are two very important activities to help build your team, Business Opportunity Presentations and New Distributor Orientation Training!

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