“Why Not Earn $365 In 25 Minutes When You Can Do It?”

Don't be like the millions of people who do not give themselves a chance because of their fears, skepticism and doubts!

It's so important to give yourself a chance because you only live once! All it takes is 25 minutes to understand how you can earn $365 in 25 minutes!

You've wasted many hours on television watching the wrong programs or movies or doing the wrong things, haven't you? Be willing to invest 25 minutes to find out how you can earn $365 in 25 minutes and how you can earn a good part-time income doing it!

You've got nothing to lose but so much to gain! At least you will satisfy your curiosity and you'll know how people can earn $365 in 25 minutes! It's about mastering the skill of giving an irresistible offer!

I can understand it is hard for most people to believe that they can earn $365 in 25 minutes if they have never done that before. If you are one of these people, give yourself a chance by investing 25 minutes to find out how you can do it with the person who shared this viral report with you.

Hi, this is Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach, with 25 years of network marketing and 19 years of internet marketing experience. I want to share my knowledge and experience to help as many people as possible to live a better life!


In my 25 years of network marketing experience, I'm very happy to create this simple program that can help you to earn $365 in 25 minutes! My forte is keeping it sincere, simple and sustainable!

I want to create a worldwide community of people who want more money, more time, better health, better relationship and inner peace and are willing to commit the time and effort to help others achieve the same.

I want people to think out of the box and that is why I created the Create Wealth System Seminar and Think Out Of The Box Program. In the 25-minute presentation, you'll get to know more about the seminar and the program.

Most people will be curious to know how they can earn $365 in 25 minutes? Your job is to get them to attend a 25-minute presentation by a leader so that they can know how they can do it!

This program is now only available in Singapore and I'm looking for business partners to make it available in many countries.

It is a simple pay-it-forward project where leaders contribute and support the team and help each other to grow their business.

You don't have to do your first 5 to 10 presentations if you are not ready to do it, the leaders will do it for you.

Here's how it works, invite prospects to a 25-minute presentation that is presented by the leaders and you are there to listen and learn from the leader who is presenting it.

We are always working with the law of averages, if out of 10 presentations, you get 20% success rate, 2 persons saying "Yes", you'll earn $365 x 2 = $730!

If you can do it in one week, in four weeks, you can earn $730 x 4 = 2,920 which is a very good part-time income. But this is the only "appetizer", we will train you how to earn the "main course" which is earning $10,000 or more a month in passive income.

Success takes time, it is a process, you must commit time and consistent effort. It may take 1 to 3 years to earn $10,000 or more a month in passive income but it will definitely be worth your time and consistent effort!

You will be mentored and coached by me, Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach, I have 25 years of network marketing and 19 years of internet marketing experience, and I will mentor and coach you.

Speak to the person who shared this viral report with you. Call 8168 2088 now!

When you are part of our team, you can replace the contact numbers with yours. This way everyone in your team can do exactly what you are doing.

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here's my million-dollar success formula, it helped me to make my first million in network marketing, "If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do??

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