Tag Archives: Wisdom

What Life Is All About?

If you love this idea of helping people to live a better life by sharing a viral report with as many people as possible and by doing so you are helping yourself to live a better life too, read on. I don't claim to know the answers and what I know I believe are inspirations…
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“Great Lessons We Can Learn From “The Coronavirus Pandemic!” To Save Lives!”

"THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC!" is a great acronym for Think, Health, Education, Commitment, Observe, Results, Opportunities, Numbers, Attitude, Victory, Integrity, Reach, Understand, System, Plan, Ask, News, Discipline, Empower, Multiply, Innovation, Co-operation and ! - Represents Thinking Out of The Box!. Think - The coronavirus pandemic is a great wake-up call for people to think! When Dr.…
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“The Solution” To The Coronavirus Pandemic!

"THE SOLUTION" is a great acronym for Think, Help, Education, System, Observe, Love, Understand, Timing, Integrity, Opportunities, and Numbers. Think - Treat the causes and not just the effects. We must help the people who are affected by it, more importantly, we must at all costs contain the coronavirus and prevent it from getting out…
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