Tag Archives: Health

“How To Start A Positive Chain Reaction!”

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. You've heard this saying many times, "You can count the number of seeds in an apple but you cannot count the number of apples in the seeds." Your little…
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“What’s YOUR EXCUSE For Not Being Your Own Boss?”

I've got nothing against being in a job, I was in a job for 12 years, six years being a USA tour leader and six years being a senior copywriter and creative director, and I enjoyed my work. The obvious reason I broke free from my job it's because I want more money and more…
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“Most People Would Want It!”

People are basically the same everywhere, of course, there will always be the odd ones, but in marketing if you want to be rich, you do not want to serve the few, you want to serve the masses, that is how the rich created their wealth, they find ways to serve the masses! If there…
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“The Secret is Out!”

Most probably you've heard about "The Secret" or watch the video or have read the book. It's about the Law of Attraction, what you're looking for is looking for you! What you constantly think and feel passionately about will create a powerful magnetic force that will attract certain people, events and things to you. The…
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“The Smart Thing To Do!”

Why figure it out yourself, when there is a mentor and coach with 22 years of network marketing, and 16 years of internet marketing knowledge and experience, to show you what to do for free! Why invest $100,000 to $1,000,000 or more to start a conventional business in one country, when you can build a…
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